社会科学经常检查社会结果如受教育程度、学习成绩、智力发展,和职业成就,收入和其他经济上的成功,社会和健康行为。哲学家谈论人性在出生时,例如,一张白纸(约翰·洛克)或天生的善(儒家)。社会科学的主流观点认为人类社会环境变化结果的差异。对许多人来说,遗传起源似乎更适合bio-medical-health结果比社会的结果。至少2 - 3年前,一小群社会科学家开始开创性工作,探讨了遗传基础的社会结果使用遗传亲属如同卵双胞胎,异卵双胞胎,完整的兄弟姐妹。没有DNA数据,工作估计遗传特征或由于遗传因素方差的比例。这种方法建立了一个相当大的许多社会遗传基础的结果。看起来很小的影响,然而,在更大的社会科学社区,或多或少地保持传统的进步。过去的二十年里看到一个更加有效的第二波遗传学的进步。全基因组关联研究(GWAS)近年来通常是基于数以百万计的遗传变量每个往往和成千上万的个体,尤其相关。 GWAS yield a large number of genetic variables associated with social outcomes. These findings tend to be credible. More and more social scientists in a variety of fields start incorporating the genetic findings into their own work. The hesitance in absorbing the genetic findings in social sciences is understandable. History is full of instances of overt or covert discrimination against disadvantaged social and racial groups in the name of shaky or outright false” genetics.” The ethical, legal and social issues of genetic studies are singularly relevant in social sciences. Going forward, the work in this area must continue to be carefully guarded against all the ELSI pitfalls. Only future could tell if social sciences will be transformed permanently and fundamentally as are all of bio-medical-health fields because of genomic advances.