作者= Namuddu Annet,密封苏珊,范Brunschot沙龙,无论Osnat, Kabaalu理查德,莫林Shai, Omongo克里斯托弗,科尔文烟的约翰TITLE =分布不同的农业生态区域在乌干达和虫媒传染病的威胁到新的木薯种植区=前沿》杂志上可持续的食物系统体积= 7年= 2023 URL = //www.thespel.com/articles/10.3389/fsufs.2023.1068109 DOI = 10.3389 / fsufs.2023.1068109 ISSN = 2571 - 581 x文摘=以前的研究显示,在撒哈拉以南非洲地雷竞技rebat区的木薯花叶病(CMD)和木薯褐色条斑病(摘要)大流行到不同的木薯种植区域高烟的数量。研究表明有鲜明的差异在一些粉虱的物种,但他们没有广泛在农业生态学。烟粉虱种群的成员复杂的称为撒哈拉以南非洲1 (SSA1)和SSA2与CMD和摘要病毒的传播。严重的CMD大流行期间在1990年代,SSA2是最主要直到SSA1死灰复燃,特别是SSA1-subgroup1 (SSA1-SG1)从2000年代早期到目前为止。木薯是一个弹性的作物已经成为一个重要的粮食安全作物干旱和引入新的领域和地区。考虑到角色烟粉虱在木薯病毒大流行的传播到邻近的地区,我们研究了烟粉虱的遗传多样性和分布在9个不同的2017年乌干达农业生态区域。成人烟粉虱收集从木薯和其他33个宿主植物cassava-growing地区,没有木薯的木薯和有限的地区,它在哪里被引入作为一个粮食安全作物。部分序列的线粒体细胞色素氧化酶基因(657个基点)1 (mtCO1)被用来确定采样烟粉虱之间的系统发育关系。木薯烟粉虱SSA1(干系人,-SG2 -Hoslundia(以前称为SSA1-SG1/2), -SG3), SSA2 SSA3;烟粉虱non-cassava SSA6、SSA10 SSA11, SSA12, SSA13, MED-ASL, MED-Q1, MEAM1,印度洋; and other Bemisia species, Bemisia afer and Bemisia Uganda1 were identified in the study. SSA3, one of the key B. tabaci species that occurs on cassava in West Africa, was identified for the first time in Uganda. The SSA1-SG1 was widely distributed, predominated on cassava and was found on 17 other host-plants. The ability of SSA1-SG1 to exist in environments with limited or no cassava growing poses the risk of continued spread of virus pandemics. Therefore, measures must be put in place to prevent the introduction of diseased materials into new areas, since the vectors exist.