% Amoakon,威廉J-L。% Combala,玛利亚姆%皮塔饼,贾斯汀s % Mutuku, J。Musembi % N 'Zue,博尼% Otron, Daniel h . % Yeo Edwige F % Kouassi,您Nazaire K . %,拉乌尔2023% % D J前沿可持续食物系统% 雷竞技rebatC % F % G英语% K木薯种质,木薯花叶病,CMD抗性基因的基因,遗传多样性,SNP标记% Q % 10.3389 R / W fsufs.2022.1052437 % % L % M % P % 7% 8 2023 - 1月19日% 9原始研究% # % !识别潜在的抗到达% * % < % T表型筛选和分子特性的木薯花叶病抗性在科特迪瓦木薯种质% U //www.thespel.com/articles/10.3389/fsufs.2022.1052437 % V 6% 0期刊文章% @ 2571 - 581 X %木薯的主要粮食作物是数亿人在非洲。雷竞技rebat在科特迪瓦,这是一个超过2600万人的热量的主要来源。然而,木薯花叶病(CMD),由于木薯花叶geminiviruses(发生)威胁其生产。开发、采用和使用CMD抗性品种仍然是一个关键的CMD管理策略。因此,610到达科特迪瓦国家Agronomique国家木薯种质由中心(CNRA)研究站在人类的城市和布瓦凯是评估其耐CMD的特征。我们发现72到达这两个站点没有症状。三十五的72到达被感染了非洲木薯花叶病毒(ACMV)没有任何CMD症状和37是病毒免费。 None of the 72 symptomless accessions were infected by East African cassava mosaic Cameroon virus (EACMCMV). The remaining 538 accessions were CMD infected and displayed clear CMD symptoms. The promising 72 accessions (10 locals and 62 improved) were then tested for the presence of resistance genes, CMD1, CMD2 or CMD3. Except for 2 accessions for which no resistance gene was found, the remaining 70 accessions contained one or more resistance genes. Genotyping of the 69 symptomless accessions revealed that 56 were unique genotypes and 13 were potential duplicates. Accessions were structured in three groups with the variabilities at the individual's level. These findings reveal the existence of potential tolerant/resistant cassava accessions in CNRA's germplasm, which can contribute to CMD control and the increase of cassava production in Côte d'Ivoire.