作者= Ha达伦,哈里斯凯利T。,罗夫凯尔o . TITLE = Endourological治疗上尿路泌尿疾病在儿童泌尿学杂志》=边界体积= 3 = 2023年URL = https://www.frontiersin.or雷竞技rebatg/articles/10.3389/fruro.2023.1150795 DOI = 10.3389 /抽象fruro.2023.1150795 ISSN = 2673 - 9828 =随着治疗干预措施的进步,endourology已成为标准治疗治疗小儿泌尿外科领域的许多疾病。然而,这仍然是一个缺乏协议和证据的最佳方法和相关并发症endourological治疗上尿路疾病的儿童,即肾盂输尿管交界处UPJ梗阻,主要阻塞性megaureter,肾结石。虽然肾盂成形术是一线的外科治疗小儿UPJ梗阻,内镜逆行球囊扩张(ERBD)和endopyelotomy继续获得牵引力微创治疗胸痹的手段,特别是对失败的修复。研究报告从76 - 100%成功率虽然再狭窄或需要修正手术并不少见。Endourological选择手术治疗的主要阻塞性megaureter包括ERBD或进一步的,而不是打开选项ureteroneocystotomy有或没有逐渐减少。都有长期成功率从70 - 90%,然而,有新兴的证据表明,这些疗法可能会导致术后膀胱输尿管的返流的风险。同时,石头疾病,冲击波碎石术(SWL),灵活的输尿管镜(一致),经皮肾镜取石术(造廔支柱在小儿泌尿科医生的医疗设备。研究表明,用户需求说明书和造廔可比取石率,造廔手术虽然可以增加发病率。技术的进步导致了使用较小的访问鞘的前提下取石率或增加长期并发症。 The use of mini-PCNL in the adult population holds great potential for use in our pediatric patients. The rise of endourology expertise and improved technology makes it an attractive option that could even be considered as a first-line option for the treatment of various urinary tract conditions. Nevertheless, there is a paucity of evidence on outcomes and complications following its use for treatment of upper urinary tract diseases in children. This review aims to summarize and present results of endourological treatments for pediatric UPJ obstruction, primary obstructive megaureter, and nephrolithiasis, as well as highlight advancements in the field of endourology that may increase its utilization in pediatric urology in the future.