@ARTICLE {10.3389 / fruro.2023.1079790作者={吉拉德,比阿特丽斯·m·坎贝尔,Susan e . Vizzard,玛格丽特。},标题={应激症状恶化:压力增加排尿频率、体细胞敏感性,和膀胱炎症时结合低浓度环磷酰胺治疗小鼠},杂志={泌尿外科前沿},体积= {3}= {2023},URL = {//www.thespel.com/articles/10.3389/fruro.2023.1079790}, DOI = {10.3389 / fruro.2023.1079790},抽象ISSN ={2673 - 9828} ={症状恶化由于压力雷竞技rebat是普遍在许多疾病,包括膀胱功能障碍(如膀胱过动症(OAB)、间质性膀胱炎/膀胱疼痛综合征(IC / BPS));然而,机制强调排尿反射功能的影响尚不清楚。在这项研究中我们设计和评估应激症状恶化(SISE)小鼠模型,表明增加尿频和体细胞(骨盆和hindpaw)敏感。环磷酰胺(CYP)(35毫克/公斤;i.p。,每48小时总共4剂量)或7天的重复变量压力(旅游房车)没有改变膀胱功能或体细胞敏感性;然而,独自CYP和独自旅游房车显著(p≤0.01)减少体重增加和增加血清皮质酮。CYP当结合旅游房车治疗7天(CYP +旅游房车)明显增加(p≤0.01)血清皮质甾酮,尿频和体细胞灵敏度和减少体重增加。CYP +旅游房车暴露小鼠显著增加(p≤0.01)(2.6倍)排尿频率作为我们决定使用意识,open-outlet cystometry。 CYP+RVS significantly (p ≤ 0.05) increased baseline, threshold, and peak micturition pressures. We also evaluated the expression of NGF, BDNF, CXC chemokines and IL-6 in urinary bladder in CYP alone, RVS alone and CYP+RVS mouse cohorts. Although all treatments or exposures increased urinary bladder NGF, BDNF, CXC and IL-6 content, CYP+RVS produced the largest increase in all inflammatory mediators examined. These results demonstrated that CYP alone or RVS alone creates a change in the inflammatory environment of the urinary bladder but does not result in a change in bladder function or somatic sensitivity until CYP is combined with RVS (CYP+RVS). The SISE model of CYP+RVS will be useful to develop testable hypotheses addressing underlying mechanisms where psychological stress exacerbates symptoms in functional bladder disorders leading to identification of targets and potential treatments.} }