凯瑟琳A . % % Lizamore,碎石机,李% Kathiravel, Yaso %艾略特,约翰%哈姆林,迈克尔·J·2022% % D J前沿生理学% C % F % G英语% K心率变异性,心脏病,脉搏雷竞技rebat波的分析,高度,心血管疾病% Q % 10.3389 R / W fphys.2022.1005113 % % L % M % P % 7% 8 2022 - 11月21日% 9原始研究% # % !保护作用的% * % < % T是间歇性低氧暴露增强保护作用的运动在一个不活跃的人口?% U https://www雷竞技rebat.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1005113 % V 13% 0期刊文章% @ 1664 - 042 X %本研究的目的是确定是否与被动运动补充间歇性低氧暴露(国内)改善总体心血管疾病风险和个人风险因素。参与者被随机分配到只运动(前女友,n = 18 5男性13女性;年龄:56.4±6.5年;重量:81.2±15.9;高度:167.3±8.42)或运动+国内(国内+交货,n = 16;6男性,10雌性;年龄:56.7±6.4年;重量:78.6±12.4公斤; height: 168.0 ± 8.8 cm). Both groups received the same strength and aerobic exercise training (1 h, 3 days/wk, 10 weeks). IHE + Ex also received IHE (5 min hypoxia: 5 min ambient air ×6) for 2–3 days/wk. Measurements were collected before (Baseline), after (Post), and 4- and 8-week following the intervention. There were small, beneficial reductions in overall 5- year cardiovascular risk in both groups. At Post, for IHE + Ex compared to IHE there were unclear to likely improvements in high density lipoprotein (8.0% ± 8.0%), systolic blood pressure (−3.4% ± 3.4%) and VO2峰(3.1%±7.7%)。这些改进持续8周。有不清楚改善动脉波反射(增加指数)帖子(−6.1%±18.4%,不清楚),但很可能有害于8周(8周:24.8%±19.7%)。冲突的结果表明,在不活跃的成人,这个运动的增加可能是有益的系统性心血管健康的标志,但也可能增加心肌负荷由于增加动脉波反射。