TY -的AU -沃伦,杰里米·l . AU -柳,约翰·e·AU -迈耶,克拉克a . AU -马勒尼,David s . AU - Samady Habib AU - Hayenga,希瑟·n . PY - 2022 M3 -原始研究TI -自动化有限元方法生成解剖特定的生物力学模型的动脉粥样硬化动脉从虚拟histology-intravascular超声波乔-医疗技术前沿UR - //www.thespel.com/articles/10.3389/fmedt.2022.1008540六世- 4 SN - 2673 - 3129 N2 -尽管在早期发现和治疗进展,动脉粥样硬化是死亡的主要原因在所有心血管疾病(CVD)。雷竞技rebat生物力学分析,动脉粥样硬化病变有可能揭示生物力学不稳定或rupture-prone地区。治疗决策很少考虑使狭窄病变的生物力学部分就由于困难在临床环境中获取这些信息。之前的3 d有限元分析方法不完全合并动脉复杂曲率的几何、材料非均质性,使用的患者数据。解决这些限制和临床需求,文中提出了一种用户友好的完全自动化程序重构和模拟墙力学的患者冠状动脉粥样硬化。程序可以从特定的数据与三维重建异构组织任务和复杂的动脉曲率。十一动脉与冠状动脉疾病(CAD)进行了基线和6个月随访血管造影和虚拟histology-intravascular超声波(VH-IVUS)成像。VH-IVUS图像去除背景噪声处理,提取VH斑块材料数据,腔的外轮廓。动脉血管摄影数据用于东方概要文件在3 d的中心线。由此产生的表面网格然后重新取样的均匀性并使用TetGen tetrahedralized生成体积网格。 A mesh convergence study revealed edge lengths between 0.04 mm and 0.2 mm produced constituent volumes that were largely unchanged, hence, to save computational resources, a value of 0.2 mm was used throughout. Materials are assigned and finite element analysis (FEA) is then performed to determine stresses and strains across the artery wall. In a representative artery, the highest average effective stress was in calcium elements with 235 kPa while necrotic elements had the lowest average stress, reaching as low as 0.79 kPa. After applying nodal smoothening, the maximum effective stress across 11 arteries remained below 288 kPa, implying biomechanically stable plaques. Indeed, all atherosclerotic plaques remained unruptured at the 6-month longitudinal follow up diagnosis. These results suggest our automated analysis may facilitate assessment of atherosclerotic plaque stability. ER -