作者= Weikl西蒙,梅耶尔Patricia TITLE =数据驱动的质量评估的循环网络=前沿》杂志上在未来运输体积= 4年= 2023 URL = https://www.frontiersin.o雷竞技rebatrg/articles/10.3389/ffutr.2023.1127742 DOI = 10.3389 /抽象ffutr.2023.1127742 ISSN = 2673 - 5210 =大多数自行车网络规划指南定义一组一致的定性标准。所有相关目的地应该达成的自行车在一个安全的、连贯的(即。,连续自行车设施),直接(即。最小的弯路),舒适和有吸引力的方式。交通规划者,几个信息存在于这些定性标准的程度(仍然)履行现有的自行车网络。然而,这些信息是至关重要的定义和优先级适当的自行车基础设施措施在有限的预算。直到现在,没有标准化的方法的完全数据驱动的定量评估这五个(可能更多)定性自行车网络标准存在。在本文中,我们提供了一个数据驱动的自行车网络质量评估方法。基于广泛的文献回顾现有的指导方针,设计手册和文献的自行车网络规划、一套易于理解的相关定性标准自行车网络包括子标准详细定义。对于每个sub-criterion,识别可能的可测量的指标和数据来源。指标转化成精确的、透明的评价尺度有坚实的基础。 They are based on widely used guidelines and design manuals for bicycle traffic in European countries, especially the ones of pioneer countries for cycling such as the Netherlands. The work differentiates between local indicators of single bicycle facilities (edge-based, e.g., surface quality), route-wide indicators (e.g., travel time ratio) and network-wide indicators (e.g., network density) and integrates these into an overall framework. A methodology is developed that combines and weights several sub-criteria to consolidated scores for each criterion as well as one final overall score for bicycle network quality. Finally, the applicability of the approach is shown within a case study for the city of Munich, Germany. The key findings for Munich’s cycling network are as follows. The cycling network has a medium level of quality, indicating clear potential for improvement. The analysis of sub-criteria revealed that the city of Munich should focus primarily on expanding the main cycling network, on decreasing the number of conflict points and on decreasing the travel time of cyclists.