作者= Arntz e . M。,范Duin j·h·R。,范Binsbergen a·J。,Tavasszy l . A。,克莱因t . TITLE =评估准备的交通环境自主交付机器人杂志=未来交通前沿体积= 4年= 2023 URL = //www.thespel.com/articles/10.3389/f雷竞技rebatfutr.2023.1102302 DOI = 10.3389 /抽象ffutr.2023.1102302 ISSN = 2673 - 5210 =简介:自主交付最后一英里交割的机器人是一个不错的选择。交货意识到成功实现机器人在公共场所,重要的是要研究机器人之间的交互和交通环境。交通环境包括物理基础设施和对象使用它就像汽车和人。方法:本研究提出了一种评估方法确定交通环境的准备,自主机器人。提出了一种概念模型,包括确定这种所谓的“roboreadiness”的因素。两个关键组件模型的机器人的性能在交通环境和社会认可。一个真实的实验测试用例、专家访谈和调查被用来改进和验证框架。Results: The real-life test case showed for the basic variant a sufficient level both on performance and social acceptance. All other variants such as pillars, road narrowing, and bends did not lead to sufficient performance or social acceptance levels.Discussion: The main outcome of this research is an assessment framework which allows to quantitatively assess traffic performance and social acceptance of sidewalk automated delivery robots. Suggestions for future work include further detailing and elaboration of the approach, scaling up experiments, and researching the possible influence of social acceptance on traffic performance.